Monday, October 18, 2010

Let's start with the positive.
A simpler time, where my computer could handle add-ons and high graphics...

     Çheddar got her three piece t10! :) Finally, she can stop running around in her Relentless Pvp pantaloons. Hopefully, I'll get her through some more Icecrown Citadel runs before people have no desire to do it anymore to get her Exalted with The Ashen Verdict. Won't be too hard seeing as she is Revered.
     Çheddar also healed her first 25 TOC. (I am not sure why I am speaking as if she is an actual person..wait she's not?) Anyhow, we did the Beasts of Northrend fight on Heroic, but didn't succeed because the raid leader felt it necessary to invite a few lowbie dps from his guild. So we had quite a few people under 4k dps, which was really not working out for us. So, we just switched to normal and went about our business fine. I got the healin' shield to replace The Scourgelord's Baton that I have been carrying as my offhand.
Also, I got the heroic Midnight Sun off Lootship
which has proved itself to be a faithful dagger. Hopefully, Cataclysm will bring more Resto/Ele shaman gear. I have had a hard time gearing Çheddar because all the sp/mp5 gear I come across is either cloth or plate. I still even have her wearing some ICC leather boots. (Which means, yes, I can't get the mail specialization bonus after the patch)

Scoodle also got Glory of the Hero this weekend. My guild was ever so helpful when I said I only had three left. (And really easy ones at that.) So, that's what I did first thing in the morning this weekend. I did Zombiefest with some other guildies that were up late one night and watched t.v. while we waited for our zombos to get gathered up. ^_^

I also got the 50 mount achievement on Scoodle as well and will take a screenshot when Blizzard decides to put out an update for my graphics card. >:(
Which leads me to the new patch 4.0 that went live last Tuesday. I was a fool and didn't leave up my background downloader, and discovered Tuesday that this was thee patch. Oops. I was punished by having the massive 4 GB patch download all day. After completing download...I was excited. My boyfriend Tyler was smart enough to let his download before hand and just had to install it. The water looked great, the new cosmetic changes to frames, all badges being converted into points, no more arena and his hunter having focus. I watched somewhat jealously over his shoulder as he explored the new patch. As he re-speced his hunter (his godly hunter I'll have you know) and tested out the new dps...he proclaimed, I miss my mana! His dps has dropped considerably since he was Marksman and gemmed almost pure Armor Penetration, which was all converted to agility I believe. I haven't even touched my hunter for ages since she lies on another server, but she was Survival and had mostly agility anyway. These are things he should talk about as he is more knowledgeable in the ways of hunter than I, but yes, the changes made to the hunter class is painful.
Side story aside, my Macbook Pro will not run the new patch when I start it up. I furiously turned off all my newly updated add-ons to see if that would affect it. Nope. I ranted in guild chat and the leader, Taylor, looked up my problem and gave me the link to the WoW Forums Mac Support. Apparently, it is a Mac problem having something to do with our video cards and not providing ample code er something...Anyhow, Blue Post's solution was to turn my water and sunshaft effects off. (T_T) That didn't work. So, I currently play on the lowest settings on every video setting. It's a blast. Not. So! I hope next Tuesday there will be a fix for this! Or sometime soon.

As this post is running long, I will end by saying that the best thing about the patch, is finally making my Fire Mage Scoodle a killing machine that needs to be nerfed because she is ridiculously overpowered, but I will enjoy it while it lasts. I leveled as fire, but Blizzard made me be Arcane there for a bit so I could beat the other mage's faces into the ground.
Hallow's End starts today! Wish Scoodle luck as she travels Azeroth trick o' treating!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Brewfest Draws to an End

Here we are, Monday. Brewfest ends in a short amount of days, and I still haven't managed to get a Ram on any of my characters. 'All I got from Brewfest was this lousy kodo that I 'already know.' They should make t-shirts. Well, I got two Tankard O' Terrors, a handful of Shankers, and kodos on the same character that I sadly just had to delete. I also did decide to be a mega nerd and go for the holiday achievement on Scoodle the Noodle. I skipped For the Children because I...was in denial. I only have about five more, so I gotta wait a whole year to do it again. Yes, I would like to have a Pink Drake to fly around on scalping Scourge, because no one can make me want a digital dragon that will not benefit me in anyway like Blizzard can. Thanks for screwing up my priorities guys.
I take that back, Blizz.
But only if a Ram drops tomorrow.